Meet the Pawtastic team

Herbie Werbie

Pup influencer / Soggy dogy

Kane the King

Cheif bum sniffer


The pup influencer who has over 10,000 followers and every dog wants to be like You can follow him by clicking here

Brand ambassador for Perfect fit, the Harness we recommend

His SUpaw power is ignoring dogs and doing his on thing


King Kane is a great role model for Kaye9 dogs as he trained with Ryan. Kane taught him to be polite when greeting other humans on and off lead

His SUpaw power is greeting dogs politely

Molly Moo

Pest hunter / Almost rat catcher

The Barnster

Bog monster - loves a dip


She loves to sit back and check out dogs from the distance

Her SUpaw power is walking alongside dogs at distance


Super friendly with the hoomas and dogs

His SUpaw power is being calm and patient around nervous dogs


Chief recycler to Her hoomum, Tilly insures all items are shredded enough to fit in the bins!

Her SUpaw power is reading other dogs body language


The Beagle roo, famous to some and heard by many, a happy go lucky lad with bags of energy

His SUpaw power is playing politely with other dogs


Coach puptato to Zoomie loonie


Enrichment warrior